Weight consultant

If you aim for a healthy weight, losing weight without a diet is the best way to lose kilos permanently. There is a wide range of diets that promise to lose many kilos in a short time. Most diets result in a shortage of nutrients due to a one-sided diet. In addition, they do not teach you how to change your eating pattern and you often fall back into old eating habits, which results in regaining those kilos.

Our weight consultant will be happy to help you, after an extensive intake interview, with expert, tailor-made advice aimed at improving your living and eating habits.

The advantages of our method:

  • No calorie or point counting
  • No expensive meal replacements
  • No crash diets or starvation
  • Just eat well and lose weight!

Our weight consultant is affiliated with the Professional Association of Weight Consultants in the Netherlands. The guidance of the BGN weight consultant is fully or partially reimbursed by many health insurers. Ask your health insurer about this.